Compact living in Visby south

To let Apartment in Visby, Gotland, Sweden


With everything you need in one room, this
apartment is located in the southern parts of
Visby, less than a five minute drive from the
ferry. The kitchenette is compact but fully
equipped (no dish washer). Right outside the
door you have a private corner of the garden,
with a barbecue.

Road Description

Från färjan: kör uppför Gutebacken, genom
trafikljusen upp till Stenkumlaväg. Sväng höger.
Efter ca 500 m, sväng vänster in på Andrégatan.
Framme! Restid mindre än 5 minuter.

Ad number: 16519

Contact the Advertiser

  • Tomas Ängshammar
  • Tomas Ängshammar
    Stenkumlaväg 61
    62149 Visby
    Telephone: 0761171954
    Mobile phone: 0761171954

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    Ad last updated:2025-01-01 10:43:25

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