- Annonsnummer: 10174
Uthyres Apartments Palma

- Millivoj Pejnovic
- I.M.Matina 4
- 51511 Malinska
- Telefon: 38551850452
- Mobil: 0989124439
- Boyta: 65 m²
- Rum: 3
- Antal bäddar: 4 + extrabäddar: 2
- Bytesdag: Lördag
- Högsäsong: 630 EUR/vecka, 90 EUR/dygn
- Lågsäsong: 280 EUR/vecka, 40 EUR/dygn
- Mellansäsong 1: 350 EUR/vecka, 50 EUR/dygn
- Mellansäsong 2: 385 EUR/vecka, 55 EUR/dygn
- Mellansäsong 3: 420 EUR/vecka, 60 EUR/dygn
- Mellansäsong 4: 455 EUR/vecka, 65 EUR/dygn
- The house is situated in the area of holiday family houses with kilometers of
lungo mare walks and beaches. It is close to the hotel Malin where there is a
play ground for small children. The beaches are pebbles or concrete hotel beach.
- To reach Rijeka from the Slovenian border you have a motor way, and from the
Hungarian border you have highway driving through Zagreb and further towards
Rijeka. After Rijeka you have 40 km of a motor way towards south.
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