- Anzeige nr: 10808
Zu vermieten Golden Earth

- Dario Pandolfi
- Via Dante, 16/18
- 09017 Sant'Antioco (CI)
- Telefon: 39 078183006
- Handy: 39 3455801288
- Wohnfläche: 140 m²
- Zimmer: 3
- Betten Anzahl: 7 + Extrabetten: 2
- Hochsaison: 4 SEK/Woche, 900 SEK/Tag
- Spätsaison: 705 SEK/Woche, 2 SEK/Tag
- Mittelsaison 1: 900 SEK/Woche, 440 SEK/Tag
- Our B & B is located in the center of the charming town of Sant 'Antioco, and
is a typical island home of two floors with sea view terrace, lovingly
restored. The area is well served: shops, restaurants, banks, post office,
banks, pharmacy. But the center also means living the life of the inhabitants
and is located a short walk from the promenade and the marina that the
archaeological evidence at the historical record of this piece of enchanted
world. You will be greeted guests and you will enjoy spacious rooms tastefully
furnished, all amenities, which include a private bathroom, climatizzazionem,
TV, internet connection. It 'also available with sun terrace and a spacious
lounge with comfortable sofas for relaxing moments. The breakfast they serve is
plentiful and varied. Everything to make your stay an unforgettable vacation.
- The B & B is located in a short one-way street and very quiet
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