- Annonsnummer: 4830
Uthyres Apartments Barisic- Trogir- Seget Donji

- Drazen Katavić
- janka bobetka 28
- 21312 podstrana
- Mobil: 00385/ 98 397808
- Boyta: 40 m²
- Rum: 2
- Antal bäddar: 2 + extrabäddar: 1
- The Villa Barisic has 7 different sized apartments and is located in the quiet
part of the town Seget Donji. Therefore the objekt is ideal for guests who want
to spend a relaxed holiday. Near the villa is the Hotelkomplex „Medena“ with a
atraktiv day and night program, and a wide range on iteresting excursions by sea
or land.
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