- Anzeige nr: 5469
Zu vermieten central apartment during royal wedding

- Per Åkesson
- Disponentgatan 4
- 11262 Stockholm
- Telefon: 08-370190
- Handy: 0708-260180
- Wohnfläche: 69 m²
- Zimmer: 3
- Betten Anzahl: 2 + Extrabetten: 3
- Hochsaison: 5000 SEK/Woche
- 16 June-1 July: For rent during the royal wedding
and adjacent weeks. Three rooms plus kitchen and
balcony. One double bed 180cm, one bed couch
140cm, one folding single bed. 3km to Royal
Palace, 50m to bus stop leading to city center.
Private car parking included. Internet. SEK 5000
per week
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